Thursday, July 9, 2009

This coming weekend

Okay so today my brother left for Oklahoma to visit my grandparents. *tear* but i'll live. Then tomorrow morning my parents are leaving for California, for my mom's High School reunion. I have the house to myself from Friday until Sunday. Then on top of my family leaving me, Anthony is leaving on Friday morning as well. Its going to be lonely. But thanks to my friend Julie, she will be with me! :)
My mom says that it might be good for me and Anthony to spend time apart...but idk. i think she has a crazy head. lol. i'll post more about this weekends events later on probably on sunday night.

peace out

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Yesterday was so much fun! I may have fallen asleep by like 11 but still it was fun. :)
So i will start from the time i woke up until the time i officially went to bed!
I woke up at about 9:30 to go meet my friend Summer for her b-day breakfast at IHOP. My friend Julie was meeting me there too. Had awesome time at breakfast and then Julie came to my house. We got ready for the festivities, but putting make-up and glitter, ribbons, and doing the hair! :) oh don't forget the beads. Anthony and his friend David were due at my house by about 2:30 or 3pm. They showed up and we ate what my daddy grilled (*which was oh so good*). Then after eating we went to Anthony's mom's friends house. This is where i met his "2nd family". I knew no background of where i was going, who i was meeting or anything like that. Then i walk in, meet Judy, (*the host*) and she knows so much about me! Anthony said to thank Mama Filo (*his mom*). I met a bunch more people. They were all REALLY nice!!!! Brad, Judy's husband, did some "mind-reading" things on julie, it was pretty awesome. We hung out there until about 7:15 because we had to be back at my house by 7:45 so we could leave for fireworks at Boulder City. We all got into the cars and went and watched the fireworks. They were so good! Mom and Chrissy, went all like crazy picture time on us! We came back to the house and at this point its like 10:00. Julie and Anthony and David and I were all gonna watch a movie, but mom said its getttng late. Julie left at like 11ish. I was so tired at this point, and so i layed down on the couch, Anthony became my pillow! I fell asleep....i felt so bad. So at like 12 they left. I walked out with the boys and David walked ahead of me...well like ran! Anthony came out so i waited for him. He then asked me to be his girlfriend, and i said Yes.

My entire day was so eventful, and i liked how everything went on. :) Hope everyone had a great 4th like me! :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Something NOT so Amazing

So we just found out today that my grandmother died. Only she died Saturday. My stupid mother's dad who is a complete idiot, couldn't even call and tell my mom. This is why i hurt so much. My mom was so close to her, and we went back there. We knew she was sick, but I honestly thought someone would call us, not inform us because there was an obituary in the paper. Don't get me wrong i'm thankful for Krystal, she told my mom! But people like him deserve to die, not my grandmother. She was the most sweetest person ever! I can remember her just always making me laugh. Setting out breakfast settings and making breakfast. Grandmother was the one person who never had failing faith. She always ALWAYS went to church and made sure she served the Lord with all her heart.
I just ask that everyone that reads this, just please pray for my mom mainly and pray that she has peace of mind. She is going to have a hard time dealing with this situation.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Famous "Him"

Okay, so for all of you that have been needing to find out who this "him" is i'm here to explain "him" to you. But first i want to explain about the guy that i've been praying for, the guy i wanted that i was hoping God would send me. I've always wanted the guy that i could possibly marry to have goals. I've wanted him to have a job. Plus he needs to cook because lord knows i cant! :) And i wanted a true genuine person. I also wanted someone that shared my values and beliefs. I needed that actually. And one other important thing was that they not get intimidated by the factor of me being almost done with school. Im 18 and a junior in college. I don't want a guy that was intimidated by that. And every guy thats been in my life none of them really succeeded to everything that i've wanted.
So lets start out with the basics:
His name is Anthony. He goes to Nevada State with me and he is an occupational science major. He wants to go on to get his masters when he graduates from nevada state college with his bachelors. He says he can cook (*we'll see*) and he works for the city. He is 20(*he just turned 20 in may*). He graduated in 2007 which makes him only a year older than me, which is better than like 5 years! :) lol. Anthony is also Italian.
Now that the basics are covered, i'll talk about this past saturday night.
Saturday night, is church night. Anthony met me at church and we sat together. Saturday nights is also the Young Adults "fun night," and Saturday they were playing baseball. I wore a dress and looked very girly, so therefore i couldn't play baseball! :) Me and Anthony sat on the sidelines watching and cheering for one of my friends. He then asks me if i want to go meet his friend. Of course i said yes! So we left the baseball game and went to his friends house. We then went and played pool, which was so fun. I learned how to play pool without getting hurt. haha. So skip a few things, and we were leaving so he could take me back to my car. I asked him what his friend thought about me. He said his friend didn't say anything. Not two minutes later did his friend text him saying that i was a keeper! :)
So now that his friend thinks i'm a keeper wonder what this means? lol. I think that he is some one that i could see myself dating.
Please feel free to comment on this! :)